*The XPS Library  hopes you will become a “Library Member” today!

To become a Library Member send an e-mail to: bvcrist@xpslibrary.com
Please write:  I want to be a Library Member. Thank you.   (Sign your name).

As a Library Member, you will receive a free, two (2) year license to Spectra Data Processing (SDP) v8 software that can open all ISO, VMS, and SDP spectra, and also process, peak-fit, identify, label, export to, save all to memory etc…

You will also have access to:

        • 70,000+ monochromatic XPS spectra,
        • 3,000+ high energy resolution AES spectra,
        • 7 PDF books of peak-fitted XPS spectra of the elements, native oxides and binary oxides,
        • infographics, posters and
        • XPS knowledge

To have free access you must send an e-mail to:  bvcrist@xpslibrary.com.

The XPS Library is a Not-for-Profit Institution that invests all Donations into the improvement and maintenance of The XPS Library, The XPS Spectra-Bases, and IXIR to benefit all library members.

Thank You!

B. Vincent Crist, PhD
Senior Editor
The XPS Library
Salem, Oregon 97306 USA



International XPS Instrument Registry –  IXIR

What is the on-line IXIR database?

The donations from Registered Membership, helps us to provide, free of charge, access to individual data-sets of monochromatic XPS spectra, data processing software, PDF Handbooks of XPS Spectra, and more are used to develop, maintain, and expand the free, on-line, International Database of “Screen-Captured” BE Measurements known as:  The International XPS Instrument Registry (IXIR).

The IXIR database is a collection (a database) of “Screen-Captured” images of peak-fitted XPS spectra that were measured from high energy resolution spectra of  the Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7) signals from a specific XPS instrument located somewhere in the world at a university, a company, a research institute, a government lab, or a contract analysis lab.

Each specific XPS instrument was manufactured by a commercial manufacturer (i.e.  SSI, HP, VG, PHI, Kratos, Shimadzu, Omicron, Scienta, Leybold, AEI, Thermo, Ulvac-PHI, Specs, …)  and has a unique SERIAL NUMBER (#), and a Model Number, or a Model Name.  The Serial Number (#) and the name of the manufacturer form a unique identifier that is used in the IXIR database.  Unique identifiers are essential for a database system.

The combination of “manufacturer’s name & instrument serial number (#)” allows everyone to track that specific (unique) XPS instrument even if is sold or given to a university for free or the cost of moving it.  That unique identifier will be directly connected to the trend (run) of the measured calibration BEs (eV) produced by that unique XPS instrument, and also the other Calibration BEs (eg C 1s) used with that unique XPS instrument.


How will IXIR help me to make more reliable Chemical State Assignments?

By knowing the Calibration BEs normally used with (or generated by) a specific (unique) XPS instrument, the trend (run) behavior of the measured calibration spectra (Cu, Au), and the measured calibration BEs produced by or used on that unique instrument, everyone will know how to adjust the BEs “Published in the Journals” by the scientists who operated, maintained, and calibrated that specific, unique XPS instrument.

This information allows you (me, everyone) to know how to correct or adjust their published BEs to match my Energy Scale, which, in turn, allows you (me, everyone) to improve our chemical state assignments.


How to participate in the IXIR system to improve
my Chemical State Assignments?

To participate and be accepted into this IXIR system, the instrument owner (person responsible) must complete the IXIR Registration Form for his/her XPS instrument and agree to submit “Screen-Captures” of calibration measurement spectra on a monthly basis.


What kind of “Screen-Captured” images must be produced
to participate in the IXIR system?

To be allowed to access and review the Measured Calibration BEs of all XPS instruments from around the world, each XPS instrument owner (person responsible) is required, on a monthly basis, to submit “screen-captured” images from peak-fitted spectra measured from the Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7) signals. These Screen-Captured images will be added to the IXIR database. If the monthly submissions of Screen-captured images falls behind by more than 3 months, then that instrument will become non-active and access to the IXIR system will be turned OFF.

A total of six (6) screen-captured images must be submitted to the IXIR on a monthly basis.  Three (3) raw, unprocessed, high energy resolution spectra from each calibration signal: Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7) must be submitted monthly. Three (3) screen-captured images from peak-fitted spectra from each calibration signal, Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7), must also be submitted monthly. Each of the six (6) screen-captured images must include the actual Calendar Date shown at the bottom-right of the computer screen and, at the same time, the spectra from Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7).

To continue to be a member of the IXIR, the instrument owner (person responsible) must submit a set of six (6) screen-captured images to the IXIR on a monthly basis.

Each of the screen-captured images must show the raw spectra or peak-fitted spectra, and each screen-captured image must include the actual Calendar Date shown at the bottom-right of the computer screen.


Why is the IXIR database important?

The fundamental intent of the IXIR system is to improve the reliability, and validity of all BEs published in all the hundreds of international journals that publish XPS results around the world.

In 2001, the ISO published a set of Calibration BEs for Cu (2p3), Cu (3p), and Au (4f7) signals which are reported to be the most accurate and reliable BEs to use to calibrate any XPS instrument in the world.  If every instrument in the world was adjusted to use the Calibration BEs, then, from that point in time, we would start to read XPS BEs and chemical state assignments that are based on those ISO Calibration BEs.

Unfortunately, this “adjustment” to use ISO Calibration BEs has not been widely implemented.

Why?  There are a variety of reasons that might include:

  • We have a very large internal database of chemical state assignments and BEs and have no need to convert all BEs over to a new set of calibration BEs
  • We do not have access to the internal electronics and can not adjust the spectrometer dispersion to match the ISO BEs
  • We know that the literature and, also therefore the NIST SDR 20 database, is filled with widely varying calibration BEs, so we never try to use the NIST database or publications
  • We have never read about the ISO Calibration BEs
  • The ISO document on Calibration BEs is expensive
  • etc…

The intent or purpose of the IXIR system is reveal the true BEs being used around the world so that everyone can take published BEs and adjust them to match my (your) needs for making “reliable” chemical state assignments. The end goal is to produce Reliable chemical state assignments that produce advance materials and improve products used around the world.  Everyone at The XPS Library thanks you very much for your time and for your kind participation in the IXIR system.



**Registration Form to Join the IXIR System
(see Data-Entry FORM below)


Your “User E-mail Address” must be from a Professional Institution ….(e.g.. University, Company, Government, Research Institute……….)

  • After completing the registration you are a  “Registered Member”
  • Your TXL “UserName” will be your E-mail address.

Thank you for registering your XPS instrument(s) in the IXIR System here at “The XPS Library”!

Only administrators can add new users.



Registration Form for IXIR Memberships

Everyone should complete the “Registration” form (23 questions, and privacy policy) to become either a IXIR Member.   We look forward to having you as a member of “IXIR”!


Only administrators can add new users.